Significant participation was recorded on Tuesday, May 7, during the International Acceleration Program of Infiniti Mondi – Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti di Napoli, promoted by the Municipality of Naples for the second of the internationalization meetings titled “USA-Italy Bridge: Growth paths toward the United States.”

The event opened with remarks by Dr. Vincenzo Lipardi, President of SPICI srl, who highlighted the ambitious goals of the CTE in Naples. Charles Lobdell, Consul for Political, Economic, and Commercial Affairs at the U.S. Consulate General in Naples, presented investment opportunities for Italian SMEs and startups in the U.S., focusing on the financial programs and tools available to companies.

Two roundtables followed, focusing on U.S. opportunities and successful startup cases, featuring:

  • Dr. Edoardo Imperiale, President of the AMERIGO Association;
  • Dr. Massimo Petrone, AmCham Italy Ambassador for Campania;
  • Dr. Federica Feltrin, External Relations of SIMEST Spa;
  • Dr. Daniela Terracciano, AWE Italy Lead Coordinator, University of Naples Federico II;
  • Dr. Riccardo D’Aquino, Board Member of the Sbarro Health Research Organization.

At the startup roundtable, speakers included:

  • Fabrizio Perrone of 2WATCH,
  • Giuseppe Scotto d’Antuono of easysea, and
  • Roberto Esposito of DeRev.

Particularly interesting was the connection with Dr. James Reginald Colimon and Dr. Alia Hamada Forrest from the City of Boston, Prof. Paolo Gaudenzi, Science and Technology Counselor at the General Consulate of Italy in Boston, and Dr. Antonella Pirone of Comites Boston, who presented the innovative ecosystem of Boston—the youngest and most innovative city in the U.S.—and its programs for attracting talents, startups, and SMEs.

The event concluded with remarks by Dr. Valeria Fascione, Regional Councillor for Research, Innovation, and Startups in Campania, who discussed some of the bilateral cooperation initiatives between the Campania Region and the U.S., highlighting examples of excellence such as the collaboration between the University of Naples “Parthenope” and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Upcoming meetings will cover United Arab Emirates, France, China, Japan, Canada, Finland, and Korea.