The Leading Forum for the Promotion of International Cooperation

The Zhongguancun (ZGC) Forum was China’s leading platform for promoting international cooperation in science-technology in its thirteenth edition.
ZGC organized in Beijing, and the Forum is promoted by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, the Chinese Association for Science and Technology and the Beijing Municipality Government.
Located in the Haidian district of Beijing, Zhongguancun is considered as one of the most important high-tech industrial development zones in China and in the world scene. It is an area that hosts over 10,000 technology companies and research centers, including more than half of the country’s unicorn startups, which the central government has dedicated considerable resources and incentive policies for research and development and business creation for years.
In this context, the annual edition of the Zhongguancun (ZGC) Forum dedicated to international cooperation and business development for research centers, companies and innovative startups interested in internationalization and technology transfer processes.
Each year, the program brings together thousands of experts, academics, entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, and representatives of leading governmental and international organizations with the aim of strengthening the exchange of knowledge, talents, and skills.
For three consecutive years, SPICI has coordinated the participation of dozens of Italian and international experts in numerous seminars and working groups on the theme of innovation.
SPICI also managed the selection and participation of about 300 spinoffs, startups, and innovative Italian and international SMEs in the competition entitled “100 Best Industrial Innovations for International Technology Transfer“. This program coordinated in collaboration with the International Technology Transfer Network, and the competition aimed to select each year the 100 most promising innovations at international level to facilitate technology transfer.
2022 Edition
SPICI has been committed for years to supporting the participation of Italian SMEs and Startups in internationalization programs. Also in 2022, SPICI was present for coordinate Italian participant at the 14th edition of the Zhongguancun Forum in online Event, which took place in Beijing from 23 to 27 September 2022.
The Italian participation in the Forum takes place thanks to the consolidated collaboration of SPICI with its Chinese partner ITTN – International Technology Transfer Network and with InnovUp – the association that represents the Italian innovation ecosystem.
6 Italian startups have been selected for the 3rd and last round of the competition before the final “100 BEST INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION”, which presented for the 100 selected technological projects.
2021 Edition
The thirteenth edition of the Zhongguancun (ZGC) Forum which took place from 24 to 28 September 2021, was inaugurated by the President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, who reiterated the importance of international cooperation in the field of science and technology.
In this context, SPICI coordinated the participation of Italian and international experts and academics in several working sessions for the sharing of best practices in the field of technology transfer. In particular, SPICI contributed to the organization of the opening sessions of the Forum, the “Cooperation on Technology Transfer between Universities”, the “Matchmaking for European and Eurasian Technology Transfer”, and the “Matchmaking for Technology Transfer between America, Oceania, Asia and Africa”.
In mentioned addition, more than 2800 technology projects were registered to participate in the “100 Best Industrial Innovations for International Technology Transfer” competition, coming from 36 countries.
The projects were focused on the 10 technological sectors: Next Generation ICT, Smart Manufacturing, Biotechnology and Life Sciences, Energy, Environment and Sustainability, Health Technologies, High-End Equipment, Modern Agriculture, Smart Transport and New Materials.
The competition was organized by the International Technology Transfer Network (ITTN), in collaboration with SPICI, and promoted by the China Center for International Science and Technology Exchange (CISTE) and the Management Committee of Zhongguancun Science Park.
After the 6 phases of selection and evaluation carried out by 94 international experts during the year, the list of the 100 best innovations was presented at the Zhongguancun (ZGC) Forum 2021. Among these 100 innovations, 14 projects proposed by SPICI were selected including 13 Italian projects (Experenti, Mindesk SRL, Youbiquo srl, Naxospharma srl, UBT SRL (Umbria Bioengineering Technologies), “ABC PUBLIC WATER COMPANY Naples”, Seares Srl, Recover Ingredients, The Circle S.A.R.L., OPTOSMART S.R.L., Officine Meccaniche Irpine and Laboratoria Srl) and 1 Iranian project (Basir Technologies).
SPICI coordinated the participation of qualified experts and judges: Sergio Cavalieri; Vice Rector for Technology Transfer, Innovation and Enhancement of Research, University of Bergamo; Plinio Innocenzi, former Scientific Attaché at the Embassy of Italy in the People’s Republic of China and Professor of Materials Science and Technology, University of Sassari; Vincenzo Lipardi, President of SPICI; Bankole Oloruntoba, Chief Executive Officer of the Nigeria Climate Innovation Center (NCIC); Roberto Termine, Researcher at the National Research Council; Giovanni Breglio, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (DIETI), University of Naples Federico II; and Elio Masciari, Professor, DIETI, University of Naples Federico II.
2020 Edition
On the 12th edition of the Zhongguancun (ZGC) Forum from 17 to 19 September 2020, SPICI contributed to the selection of over 2,000 innovative companies (of which about 100 are Italian) from several parts of Europe, North and South America, as well as from China and Africa. Companies had access to the matchmaking program with investors, potential business and technology partners, and local companies.
Among the Italian startups, eight of them have been included in the prestigious ranking of “100 Best Industrial Innovations for International Technology Transfer“: KEMONIA RIVER SRL, TURBOALGOR S.r.l., Is Clean Air Italy srl, GSI S.r.l., Inesse Corporation, 3Bee, Vaxxit Srl, eProInn. Among these, IS Clean Air and Vaxxit had access to the final phase.
Among the speakers, judges and experts whose participation was coordinated by SPICI there are prof. Innocenzi, Dr. Lipardi and Prof. Breglio who also participated in the 2021 edition and Luigi Nicolais, former Minister for reforms and innovations in public administration, former president of the National Research Council and current President of Materias; Giorgio Ventre, Director of DIETI, University of Naples Federico II; Mario Draoli, Head of Unit Procurement Strategies and Market Innovation at the Agency for Digital Italy; Leopoldo Angrisani, Director of CESMA of the University of Naples Federico II; Santolo Cozzolino, Director of the Biotechnology Center of the Caldarelli Hospital; Chiara Maiorino, Regional Manager South Europe of EIT Health of the European Union; Angelo Coletta, President of Italia Startup; Donatella Piccione, International Area Manager of Lazio Innova; Filippo Ammirati, Scientific Director of ENEA Progetti Enterprise Europe Network; Roberto Luzi Crivellini, Partner of Macchi di Cellere Gangemi.