CTE born in Naples
Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti (CTE)

Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti (CTE), a centre for advanced innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries sector, is finally born also in Naples. In fact, the City of Naples, lead partner of the ‘Infiniti Mondi’ project, was awarded the ‘Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti’ (CTE) tender approved by the Ministry of Enterprise and Industry. The two-year project has a budget of around EUR 15 million and envisages the construction in the East Naples area of an advanced innovation centre dedicated to the Cultural and Creative Industries sector.
A project whose name is inspired by the work of the philosopher Giordano Bruno, innovator and visionary of modernity, and which in fact comes to life to create a propulsive centre of technological, cultural and social innovation in Naples.
“Infiniti Mondi” Project
Infiniti Mondi ranked second in Italy, just after Bologna, out of seven approved projects and about 40 submitted. Proposed and coordinated by the City of Naples, it has been assisted in its operational coordination by the MedITech Competence Centre, which will also be responsible for developing the technological platform to support the management of the CTE, as well as by other important businesses in the area, such as SPICI, the CNR – ISPC, CerICT, the University of Naples Federico II, the University of Naples L’Orientale, the Academy of Fine Arts of Naples, TIM, One More Pictures and Cefriel.
Infiniti Mondi will support the development of products, processes, services, startups and new business models for SMEs related to emerging technologies, creating a network of advanced labs on Metaverse, Web 3.0, Gaming, Storytelling, Quantum Computing and 5G.
The aim is to provide national enterprises with a technology centre, equipped with the most advanced technological and connectivity tools, to develop and test new products, solutions and services. Indeed, CTE Naples will be able to provide support in the introduction and training of new productions and new genres, from videomapping to digital series, from live media theatre to live performing media art, from digital art to cinema, as well as from videogaming to software.
The structure and areas of activity of CTE Naples
INFINITI MONDI – NAPLES INNOVATION CITY will be structured as a vast aggregation of multidisciplinary competences, state-of-the-art equipment and advanced laboratories at the service of:
The objective is to provide national enterprises with a technology centre equipped with the most advanced instrumentation and connectivity systems, to develop and test new products, solutions and services, through the creation of a network of advanced laboratories.
The objective is to support the creation of new enterprises and strengthen the competitiveness of existing ones through acceleration and mentoring programmes for participants.
The aim is to create new advanced professional figures for the cultural and creative industries, such as technologists, creators, developers, designers, as well as to support the modernisation of the national and international cultural ecosystem, also through digital skills upgrading paths, through the Academy programme.
The aim is to facilitate the alignment between demand and supply of innovation, through networking, brokerage and technology transfer initiatives, through matchmaking activities.
The objective is to promote social innovation in the city, enhancing the rich, articulated and dynamic entrepreneurial, professional and third sector ecosystem present in the metropolitan area, through widespread events and initiatives.
Infiniti Mondi and the partecipation of Spici
In particular, SPICI will manage the activities of the Gaming laboratory, in collaboration with Meditech, and in supporting the birth and development of innovative startups, through acceleration and incubation activities, in the field of Cultural and Creative Industries, in particular, in the audiovisual and gaming sectors. The incubator Fabbrica Italiana dell’Innovazione will be used to manage the activities envisaged under this function.
The CTE will thus aim to guide and support creativity, entrepreneurial initiative and professional growth in the era of the digital economy.
For More Information visit Ministry of Enterprise and Industry web site here!

Progetto Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti del Comune di Napoli “Infiniti Mondi Napoli Innovation City CUP B67F23000000008 – FSC 2014-2020