For the promotion of tourism in Naples

The ANEMA Project, which SPICI is managing together with the lead partner Conform and the company Maestro ICT, is focused on the realisation of specialised models for the promotion of cultural and conference tourism in the city of Naples, in order to stimulate, on the one hand, the emotional, sensorial and cognitive involvement of visitors, and, on the other, to enhance the business know-how of operators in the sector, with smart multimedia items and gamified educational experiences.
With this aim, a cloud platform will be created to link the physical spaces with a digital one, with the creation of a system that, thanks to the support of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, will foster the cultural value of the on-site visit and access to a vast ecosystem of digital services, aimed at boosting cultural and conference tourism in the city of Naples.
The objective of ANEMA
The aim is therefore to bring together the latest innovations in digital technologies (AI, Machine learning, X-Reality…) to help innovate the cultural and conference tourism sector. In order to understand and meet the needs of this sector, the project envisages an initial phase of experimentation, through the network of the Convention Bureau Napoli (CBN), an excellence of the Neapolitan conference industry and its province, to stimulate and promote the organisation of events, congresses and team-building activities in the city of Naples.
To this end, the aim is to build a new cultural approach, in which the physical spaces of hotels, conference centres, aggregative locations, museums and historical sites, with their heritage of spaces and works, are used and enhanced through a digital ecosystem of interconnected cultural contents and services, in a multi-channel logic through the creation of an app, a virtual tour, audiovisual products, holographic experiences, which can enhance:
- The design and management of the offer, for operators, public and private, of congress tourism;
- The visitor experience, for tourists, congressional and non congressional.
Therefore, SPICI is carrying out a deep activity of analysis of the processes and organisational and skills needs of operators, affiliated to CBN, who deal with conference organisation and tourist reception, through guided workshops and group brainstorming, to understand the real needs of operators in the sector, in order to identify products and services that can improve the management of these activities, also from a business perspective, in addition to the analysis and study of the methodologies and technologies of machine learning and algorithmic development that can best be used and implemented for the design and development of the platform.
ANEMA’s presentation at the ‘Metatourism’ event at BTO 2022
The project was also presented at the “Metatourism” event organised as part of the BTO 2022, on 29 and 30 November 2022 at Stazione Leopolda (Florence). For 13 years, BTO has been the reference event in Italy on the topics of tourism, digital, and innovation, in order to share tools and visions on tourism and technological innovation linked to the different focuses: digital, destination, and hospitality.
During the two days there was a wide-ranging debate on the profound significance of the changes underway, the most relevant and permanent implications for the world of tourism, and future innovations, highlighting the need to build new models of social relations to preserve and enhance the human factor, the key element of a travel experience.
The ANEMA project had its own window in the event’s programme, with the presentation by Alfonso Santaniello, President and General Manager of Conform, Mariangela Contursi, General Manager of SPICI, and Giovanna Lucherini, Director of Convention Bureau Napoli.
The project is co-financed by the European Union, the Italian State and the Campania Region, within the framework of the POR Campania FESR 2014/2020 by the Public Notice for the Support to Campania MPMIs in the implementation of Technology Transfer and Industrialisation Projects.