Heritage Smart Lab | EDIH – European Digital Innovation Hub
The European Hub for Digital Innovation for the Cultural and Creative Industries
Within the framework of the Digital Europe Programme 2021-2027, the European Commission, together with the EU Member States, has established a network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH).
The EDIHs act as catalysts for the dissemination and adoption of advanced digital technologies with the aim of supporting Public Administrations and Companies to become more competitive.
SPICI, as a partner of the Heritage Smart Lab (HSL), offers services dedicated to digital transformation in the field of Cultural Heritage and Cultural and Creative Industries.

Heritage Smartlab – The Campania Spoke
SPICI Srl, Iniziativa Cube Srl, and the Meditech 4.0 Competence Center operate as the Campania Spoke of the EDIH – Heritage SmartLab, the European Digital Innovation Hub for the digital and green transition in the sectors of Cultural Heritage, Culture, Creativity, Tourism Enhancement, and other related sectors.
EDIH-Heritage Smart Lab is a Hub funded by the European Commission and the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, coordinated by the Basilicata Creativa Cluster, with a partnership composed of: Sviluppo Basilicata, Digital Innovation Hub Basilicata, Lucanian Aerospace Cluster, Lucanian Automotive-Intelligent Factory Cluster, Basilicata Energy Cluster, Meditech Competence Center, SPICI srl, Iniziativa Cube Srl.
In the three-year period 2023-2025, various service and guidance activities are planned for the use of emerging technologies by Public Administrations and Public Entities, such as Test Before Invest interventions and the Access to national and international financing opportunities.
Services for Public Administrations
We address museums and theaters, archaeological and natural parks, historic villages, cities, and municipalities interested in testing and/or developing new applications for the smart management of tangible and intangible heritage, to improve the energy efficiency of sites, and to enhance cultural services to citizens.
- Digital Maturity Assessment
The Digital Maturity Assessment (DMA) is a tool to measure the current level of digitalization of an organization, such as for example: digital strategy, staff readiness to digitalization, data management, organizational processes, and the attention to sustainability in digitalization.
- Design of technological intervention
The service consists of supporting Public Administrations in defining a strategy (and/or feasibility study) aimed at introducing innovative and emerging technologies to improve digital services and/or organizational processes, in the field of cultural and creative goods and services.
- Proof of Concept
The service consists of specialized support for the realization of Proof of Concept to evolve tests and trials on innovative digital solutions, to demonstrate their technical feasibility, as well as the experimentation of a prototype in pilot sites.
- Prototyping
The service consists of providing support for the creation and testing of prototypes for new products and services, including them with different functionalities and the design of the products/services.
- Technology Scouting
The service consists of the search and analysis of existing innovative technological solutions to meet the specific needs of an organization or to improve efficiency in a digital and green approach.
- Support PA to access innovation procurement
The service consists of informing and training public officials on the opportunities and tools of procurement for innovation. The service will support Public Administrations in identifying the best opportunities in the field of innovation and will assist in preparing the procedure.
- Support PA to Access Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)
The services consist of supporting Public Administrations in building PPPs with innovative digital solutions that require large-scale investments, providing contacts with Large Enterprises that may be interested in investing in territories to generate operational sites or local startups in the field of cultural heritage. Consulting services will also be offered to Public Administrations to launch crowdfunding campaigns.
- Demo Days
Organization of demonstration days for Public Administrations, with SMEs, innovative startups, and research groups, to learn about the latest offer and applications already on the market regarding emerging technologies, especially for the management of tangible and intangible assets as well as to introduce innovations for digital and green transition.
Services for SMEs
We address SMEs and startups in the creative and cultural industries sector that intend to test new applications for the smart management of tangible and intangible heritage, to streamline and enhance products and services for cultural and touristic valorization as well as entertainment.
- Digital Maturity Assessment
The Digital Maturity Assessment (DMA) is a tool to measure the current level of digitalization of an organization, such as for example: digital strategy, staff readiness to digitalization, the level of digitalization in data management, organizational processes, and the attention to sustainability in digitalization.
- Technology Audit
The service consists of organizing technology audits, conducted by a team of experts, including a company visit for an in-depth analysis of existing digital processes and services/products, to identify areas for organizational and commercial improvement.
- Proof of Concept
The service consists of specialized support for the realization of Proof of Concept with the aim of advancing the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of a solution or patent, demonstrating their technical feasibility, as well as experimenting with prototypes in pilot sites.
- Prototype
The service consists of providing support for the creation and testing of prototypes for new products and services, incorporating various functionalities and designs into them.
- Vulnerability Assessment
The service aims to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities in an organization’s web applications and network infrastructures. It includes a series of tests such as Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Test, Static Application Security Testing, and Dynamic Application Security Testing. Additionally, it involves verifying security architectures for user authentication and access control, as well as defining a strategy to ensure security.
- AI Training
The course (up to 24 hours) introduces the main technologies in the field of artificial intelligence and their applications in the ICC sectors, including practical learning activities with the analysis of showcases.
- Support SMEs to access private capital markets
The service involves supporting SMEs in accessing private capital markets, especially related to early-stage financing, seed, and Venture Capital, through activities of pre-feasibility documentation preparation and the initial presentation to potential investors.
- Support to financial feasibility study for SMEs
The service consists of supporting innovative SMEs that require large-scale investments, developing further activities with venture capitalists interested in investing in innovative companies in the field of cultural heritage. Specifically, this activity will involve the development of a real economic-financial feasibility study (or industrial plan) for the interested initiatives to allow the implementation of scale-up strategies with the support of private investors. Consulting services will also be offered to startups to launch crowdfunding campaigns.
- Demo Days
Organization of demonstration days for SMEs, startups, professionals, and economic operators in the cultural and creative industries sectors and the so-called Creative Driven sectors, to learn about the offer and applications already on the market regarding emerging technologies, especially for the management of tangible and intangible assets, as well as to introduce innovations for digital and green transition.
- Talent’s Academy Week for SMEs
The training services aim to increase the knowledge, skills, and abilities of company personnel in the use of digital technologies (AI, Big Data, Blockchain, IoT). The training (up to 24 hours) will prefer “challenge-based learning” teaching methodologies in collaboration with universities and research institutions.
- Support to the recruitment of qualified personnel
The service starts with an audit of the companies’ skills in search of new talents and professionals necessary for their digital transition, to initiate later an effective recruitment process. The activity includes the introduction to platforms and services available for recruiting, also thanks to the use of digital technologies. At the end, an event – Talent Fair model – will be organized to facilitate the matching of offer and demand.
To discover more, visit the Heritage Smart Lab website!